Showing posts with label 4% rule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4% rule. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2019

Are you willing to jump in the FIRE?

It’s not about getting annihilated. On the contrary this fire is about setting ourselves free.

FIRE as a movement has increasingly grown in popularity among the millennial of the west. FIRE is the abbreviation for “Financial Independence, Retire Early”.

This trend is gaining further traction because freedom from the shackles of “work for living” existence allows an individual to chase his/her passion. Who wouldn't agree that creativity and innovation blossoms where the mind is without fear and the time is our own.

But how to reach there?

The proponent of the FIRE movement suggest the “4% rule” as a guide. It is another name for “ Trinity study”, an influential 1998 paper submitted by three professors for finance at the Trinity University. The study was to determine the “safe withdrawal rates” from the retirement portfolios containing a mix of stocks and bonds.

The 4% refers to the portion of the portfolio that is withdrawn during the first year. If that amount cover the yearly expense of the retiree, it is assumed that the person has sufficient assets to last for 25 to 30 years. The market volatility and increase of the consumer price index (CPI) to keep pace with the cost of living has been factored in a reasonable way.

This was back-tested by the authors and several other researchers and found to be workable. However, we need to note that the tests has been conducted based on historical data and no one know how the markets are going to perform in the future.

Are you willing to take the plunge?

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