Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Piece of Desert Rose

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

There is a new NATIONAL MUSEUM OF QATAR, which is nearing completion. This is how the museum will look once it is completed.

 Nature is known to inspire and influence human being’s creative mind since time immemorial. The interlocking disc design of the museum by Jean Nouvel is inspired by the desert rose.  
Desert rose is the colloquial name given to rose-like formations of crystal clusters of gypsum or baryte which include abundant sand grains. [Wikipedia]  The flattened crystals has a great resemblance to petals of rose.
Holding in her hands
Last weekend me and my daughter went to the museum gift shop and bought a sizable piece of this desert beauty. We were quite excited with the new toy and had a quick photo session to treasure the moments forever.
Posing with a yellow rose
The desert rose may also be known by the names: sand rose, rose rock, selenite rose, gypsum rose and baryte (barite) rose.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Agoraphobic any one

Napoleon had cautioned long ago that "Mankind's worst enemy is fear of work". But centuries have passed but the fear of work doesn't seems to go away.

One of my ex-colleague used to question "why we need to complete this today while we could do it tomorrow?" Another one's philosophy was to leave office early if you happen to reach for work late. "one should not be late twice in the same day" he used to advice.
But the winner is one who left office in the morning because his boss wished him "have a great day!" Obviously he had figured it out that he could not be in the office and have good time.

I looked high and low all these days to find a word that would describe this attitude towards work. On the 6th of March 2018, I got this word sent to me and I am glad to share with all who were not aware of it.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Cutting Paani with a pinch of Salt

Everyone would unanimously agree today that the need for saving water is no longer an option, it's our responsibility towards the generations scheduled to arrive in our planet in the future. When we say generations, it is not limited to a specific race, species or lifeform. The earth belongs to all.
Life is a balance between what we can control and what we cannot. There is however, another dimension to this old sayings…Life is also a balance between what we should try to control and what we shouldn’t.
While any idea to conserve water, #CuttingPani, is potentially a noble initiative, we should interrogate it with all seriousness to make sure that it would not send wrong signal. Inadequate consumption of water will have negative implications leaving the world with a generation of dehydrated people, quite similar to the anorexic population of today.
Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, more or less and constantly loses water through its excretory system. This needs to be compensated and the commonly recommended quantity is eight 8-ounce glasses per day amounting to about 2 liters. Not many of us reach this target on regular basis and some health gurus are of the opinion that majority of the population are on the brink of dehydration.
The other extreme of this spectrum is “water intoxication”, which occurs due to excessive water intake resulting into abnormal brain function and could be fatal in extreme cases. Although not as common, when it takes place, the excess water dilutes blood sodium levels and causes fluids to move inside cells, which then swell producing potentially life-threatening effects.
I believe, the message transmitted upfront need to focus on drinking more water while the appeal for “drinking water conservation” remains subtle. Restaurants and businesses could start using smaller glasses allowing people to ask for a second helping if they are very thirsty. That way we do not propagate the message of “Drink less and Save more”.
Few odd ideas for conservation of water usage from various aspects of our daily chores could be as follows. All of these without touching the drinking water segment and avoiding a wrong psychological message:
There has been no significant development in the way we wash our clothes ever since washing of clothes has been in practice.  
Making washing machine more water efficient is one way but there could also be machines that washes using microwave technology. One need to take on the mighty soap lobby to succeed though.
We could also develop clothes that doesn't catch dirt. We should be able to brush it clean like most animals does. After all our apparels are supposed to be second skin.
Could we not develop utensils that repels grease so that it needs little or no water to clean them?
Can we not make grease trap mandatory in our houses and not limit those to restaurant kitchens.
Our bathtubs could come with dedicated meters built into its body that would measure every time it was filled and charge us at a higher rate.
Why can we not make the tap water potable and ensure that the plumbing network is sanitized regularly so that we do not hesitate before drinking.
We can also make technology less expensive so that we could use pneumatic waste clearance technology in our WC so that the demand of water is minimized.
We need to plant more trees as this is the only way to produce more water.

Let’s have #cuttingpaani with a pinch of salt.

I just signed the petition, “#CuttingPaani” initiated by #Livpure. I think this is important us and the coming generations. Will you sign it too?
Here’s the link: Just Do It

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Go Ahead

You are Braver than you believe, Stronger that you seem and Smarter than you think.

Life is Like that

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Sometimes you need to look at life from a different perspective.....

Thursday, January 18, 2018

One Mile Stand

Once again they met today. Few hundred meters from the crossroads. The area was abuzz with morning activities as usual. He was ahead of her but when they looked at each other the earth seemingly stopped rotating for a moment.

He took his Cartier shades off and she removed her Gucci. The eyes did all the talking as the RJ played a romantic song on the local station.

Silently she said, “I will follow you wherever you go
He pleaded “Please do not let anyone come in between us

Selena Gomez went on …
I've been set free
I am hypnotized by your destiny
You are magical, lyrical, beautiful
You are...
And I want you to know, baby

They went up to the traffic lights and stopped again both eyes fixated. Then the signal went green.
But he was a bit too fast and she could hardly keep up with the speed. Distance grew between them and some other car came to fill the growing space between their cars.

He went straight ahead while she took a right turn. At the next signal he felt lonely as her eyes were no longer present in his rear view mirror. Eyes became moist and he put back the shades ….

The one mile stand has sadly come to an end..... 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Stand up comedy

Ron was happy to be back in his city during the season of festivities. As he navigated through the now infamous Traffic Jam, old memories started to show up at every turns.
It was not too long ago that he was that angry young man who at times felt like a rebel without a cause. He was going through a difficult time trying to keep up with the whims and fancies of the rebel within him and that upset him even more.
Usually fellow students avoid such characters, more due to stern instructions from doting parents than by choice of their own. But Ron had a different shade too, he had the capability to bring comic relief to serious situations. In addition to being annoying, he could recite, sing and pull out a fast one on almost anyone. The folks knew he would flip a sad moment into a celebration even before the tallest hand could make a trip around the face of the clock.
Path leading to a career of choice was not one adorned with rose. On the contrary it was a challenge. Once at the dinner table, he mentioned matter-of-factly that he would like to be a stand-up comedian. Dad’s reaction was quick with the signature sarcasm,
“Splendid idea! I shall definitely cherish being called the joker’s father”. No one came to his rescue nor was in a mood to listen to his argument.
Next morning he took it up with Ann hoping to find support or sympathy. “Complete your engineering and then pursue stand-up comedy.” His girlfriend promised “Baby! No matter where I would be, I shall pack my suitcase and come running to attend your first show. I am aware that Jerry Seinfeld had made it big but it takes many a failures to get one Jerry.”
The car stopped at the signal and he contemplated how difficult it was to motivate a person who was as disillusioned as him. He remembered the words of his favorite teacher. “Ronbir”, she had once said “get good enough with anything and someone will pay you to do it”.
He looked up that the billboard right in front of him and said… “How true she was!”

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

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