Sunday, October 28, 2018

Doodling For the Spring

Armed with the pen and highlighter while at the office desk, I dream of spring. Clear sky, green meadows with trees blooming with flowers while a little bird approaches the fresh flowers enthusiastically and cautiously.
We love spring as every living entity in this world are happy and full of life. Hibernating animals wake up or return from warmer climates and often with newborns – The ultimate sign of life.
The world today is going through difficult times. It’s so severe that we need to look high and low for one good news in our daily newspapers. Understandably life for some is tougher than others and even the toughs’ stumbles as they keep going.
As we eagerly wait for the advent of spring, I believe it is our responsibility to instill good values in our children for them to confront such challenges in the future.
Change, we need to understand essentially happens only when we are part of that change. Teach them to adjust the sails when the direction of the wind changes. And if situation demands, lowers the sails while the storms weathers away.
If we want our children to be polite and have discipline, we better live by example. Preaching something that we do not practice will be of little value.
The earth revolves continuously while remember to rotate along its own axis making certain that every side gets a fair share of the sun. The earth can continue its generosity without even pausing for a New Year celebration. But we are mere mortals and we need punctuation to be able to recoup and regroup.
The New Year’s Day is a perfect opportunity to pause and make a fresh start. A new chapter to be written, new questions to be asked, new relations to be made, new dreams to be realized.

Let’s dream for a new future and this time let’s do it with a pen in hand.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Rite of Passage


Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Today is Mahalaya, a very auspicious for people who follow the Hindu way of life and philosophy. The Pitru Pakhsha, whose literal translation from Sanskrit means “fortnight of the ancestors” ends on this day and is marked as a day when men perform a rite called “tarpan”. I remember from my childhood when offerings were made to our deceased ancestors by my father. I always interpreted this as an opportunity to remember and express our gratitude to those who have left this world.

I, not having a lot of trust on purity of the Ganges and faith on the mantras chanted by today’s priests, prefer to remember my father in solitude…..within the confine of my home……..inside me. I do not believe much in the pomp & show and would love to stick to the basics in most occasions but there are many who would beg to differ!!

Extravagant celebrations when children are born, their birthdays and weddings are not uncommon these days but the new motto of life for many seems to be “live lavishly, go out extravagantly”

Many among the rich, powerful and famous are considering the “rite of passage” as the final opportunity to flaunt their immense wealth. Their rite of passage are competing with weddings and birthdays. People are opting for gold plated coffins, Rolls-Royce hearses and at times flying guests to exotic locales for destination funerals.
This article might shake your foundation while giving a new meaning for life and maybe a new goal for Death….

Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Message From A Setting Sun

It would be nice to be at a sunset point while the day ends but beauty they say is in the eyes of the beholder. We do not always have to look high and low to find something beautiful, we just need to look around.

This is exactly what happened to me this week as I was driving home from work, thinking about the Durga Pujo in the land of six seasons. All of a sudden it appeared as if the day was cracking opening like an egg and the yolk melting all around me. 

I moved beyond the hard shoulder of the road to stop the car. Then took a deep breath, rolled down the window and armed myself with the phone camera. It’s almost impossible not to dream watching such scene.

How many of us could end a routine activity with so much love and intensity knowing with certainty that the entire drill has to be repeated the next day and the next….

No accomplishment is not worth celebrating!!!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Surya Namaskar - An Holistic Approach

It was a great experience to stand in front of this installation named “Surya Namaskara” at “Terminal 3 Indira Gandhi International Airport”, New Delhi, India. 

The human figures have been created by Sculptor/Artist by the name of Nikhil Bhandari and was installed in 2011. These are 12 individual human figures which have been sculpted to represent 12 yoga poses which collectively depict the Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation. The spiral base of the installation provides the most apt transition to the reach the climax. 

Each pose is the culmination of an asanas and when done early in the morning along with the recitation of the correct chant gives a perfect workout for the entire body.

The airport might not be the place to practice these asanas but without any doubt an appropriate place for showcasing our ancient tradition and instill a thirst to know more about it. Let’s start our day with humility saluting the mighty power that makes our entire world revolve around it.

Simply put, why not pick up some knowledge on the go, particularly as it has the potential to unleash holistic improvement for our body & soul….. Pagan or not pagan.

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Forgive but Please Forget

Our time is limited and is not worth wasting it living a life filled with hate for others, is something that I remind myself once in a while. The above principle, if one wishes, could be the pathfinder for living a life free from hatred.
Is it easy? Most certainly not!

Interestingly! Once we acknowledge the truth in the saying “to err is human”, we will be in a much better position while navigating through the maze of daily challenges.
It’s never too late to start owning up one’s mistake and seek forgiveness knowing that this is not a characteristic of a weak person and on the contrary it’s the trait of a Brave-heart. Maybe apologizing will be a good start.
The difficulty however arises when we are confronted with a situation where others hurt us or try to harm us.  Surprisingly, the answer to this is quite simple.
Forgive and Forget.
Is it easy? Most certainly not, but I do believe that practice makes a person perfect over a time.
Yes! It’s important to forget in order to keep our nasty EGO at bay and ensure it will not raise its dirty head in self-glorification.
I keep no account when, whom or if I had forgiven anyone and therefore I do not have a story to narrate. You may ask if I am I a saint. I am not a saint and as a matter of fact not insane either! I practice this during my day to day existence wherever I am.
The most common place for irritating others or getting irate with others is the roads. It’s not only me if I am to trust a report in Psychology Today from 2016. A survey found out that 78 percent of participating drivers engaged in at least one kind of aggressive driving behavior in the previous year…..and that lead to substantial loss of property. The findings could be found here.

I am happy that I have succeeded in liberating myself from reacting to external stimuli.

People everywhere travel carrying along their baggage of frustration, hate and what not, which in my understanding is nothing but pure garbage. Navigating unscathed from such garbage thrown out by other people is the art of living. The realization that we can’t control someone else’s actions, while being in full control of ours is the key takeaway of this art. When someone acts oddly, I remind myself that the person is just bad at handling stress.

When the situation becomes a bit unbearable, I there is one rule to follow:  save it for later. There will always be someone with whom we can talk to later on to vent out our frustration about the situation. 
It’s even better if we are able to talk to our inner self to calm our mind and by doing that we will no longer require an external element to find our own peace.
We are then able to celebrate our liberation every moment of our existence.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ 

Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Blue Envelope

Parties are not always associated with introvert people but Ron is somewhat different.  Although he finds himself tongue tied amidst strangers, deep inside he is a highly extrovert person. In the world within his mind things are different. Whenever he runs into someone in his thoughts, he controls the imaginary conversation that ensues. He chooses the dialogues for both and usually the other person appreciates his ideas so much that his ego soars like a hot air balloon.
When it comes to the real world he is not too confident that he will get similar response. That fear has made him keep to himself and sometimes fumble with words in front of others.
His wife Ana is quite a different character. She could befriend a stranger within moments and adjectives like vibrant, bubbly, vivacious, ebullient, lively etc wouldn’t do enough justice to describe her personality.
They met in a conference many years back where was presenting her research on “the contribution of introverts to the field of creativity”. She spotted the handsome young Ron shying away from all the networking that was going on.  Ana was moving among the crowd during with all her grace and elegance. While she had most of the people vying for her company, she felt a natural attraction towards him.  
It took her only a while to get the quiet Ron talking and before they could realize they began to see one another. At the start of their relationship Ron thought she was just another time burglar and he would be better off in his own world, he eventually fell for her.
“I deal with introverts for a living. So when I see one I know one” she once told during a candid discussion in a party. The weekend parties were then a weekly ritual and hosting it at their house once in a while was a celebration. Ron was nervous at the beginning but Ana’s managerial skills brought in the planning, organizing and calmness to the whole affair. Those were very intimate and cozy affair and soon Ron started to enjoy those immensely. Good food, good wine with intense discussions at night and wake up late in the morning after Ana’s repeated nudging.
Today Ron was again woken by Ana’s voice. “How long are you going to be on the bed? It's time to start your day with jogging.”
“You know that I do not jog anymore”, he pleaded and turned around.
He finally woke up realizing he has been dreaming of Ana again. He remembered the date and staggered towards the closet on the other end of the bedroom. He felt somewhat excited that the date was finally here. He advanced like that kid rushing for the present on the Christmas day. But this time there was no Santa or happiness. He picked up the blue envelope from the drawer. His name written on the top in Ana's calligraphy.
He had discovered the envelope a few months earlier by sheer coincidence and was about to tear it open when he noticed Ana’s instructions on the reverse.
“If you love me, please wait till the morning of 14th February.”
He put it back saying “damn!”
Today he picked up the cover and headed for the living room couch. He read it a few times and began framing a response.

“Dear Anasua,
Since you are I gone, I find it very difficult to find things around the house. The other day as I was preparing some curries in the kitchen, I could feel your presence behind me. Were you actually there? Another day as I was about to pour my third drink, I could hear your irate voice scolding me and I Went for  my dinner instead. No one plays the music in the evenings anymore and many a times when I sit in this couch and try to read my book, I could feel your hand teasing me just like those days. When I light up the candle and the incense stick in the evening, I could barely see your face smiling from behind the frame. Don’t think my vision is blurred because my eyes are old. It’s because they turn watery whenever I think of your arms around me.
Stay happy sweetheart and wait for me there. Say my hello to God and remember to convey my thanks for all that HE has given us.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!
Yours Ronbir”

He started slowly towards the neighborhood forest for his ritualistic morning walk supporting on his companion... the walking stick.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Water For Our Birds

Designers and developers are often criticized for using water features in developments in our urban areas. But during hot summer days in cities like Delhi, these adds to the few remaining water bodies  for our avian species. 
Note: These are my photographs and you are free to use them if you need them.

Why read a newspaper

  Photo by Lina Kivaka_Pexel Who still reads a newspaper every morning? Maybe not many, as today's fast-paced lifestyle leaves little ro...