Friday, January 15, 2016

Six Practical Hints to be a Successful Presenter

Sometime back, I happened to buy a gadget called Apple TV, probably one of the cheapest from the apple product range. I was introduced to an amazing new world of connectivity. I could not only mirror my iPhone or iPad on the TV but I could also watch the YouTube.
Although there are plenty more features in that thingy, the feature I liked most is TED (an acronym for technology, entertainment, and design) talks. The site features presentations that they consider “ideas worth spreading”. Watching the presenters got me pondering about how to improve my personal presentation skills and be a better speaker.
After all our professional life encompass presentation, presentation and presentation. Our personal life is no different either. Only people with good communication skills can dream of being successful in life.

I have shortlisted some of the aspects that intrigued me and thought to be useful. I would much appreciate different opinions.

The first part obviously is to Design or compose what has to be presented. The second part is to deliver it to have the maximum impact. Life is fast and therefore it is important to develop effective opening. An equally effective closing will leave a lasting impression.

“Build Unshakable Self Confidence”
Need to develop greater self-belief in one self and his ability. This will help to communicate with so much conviction that the listeners shall get convinced.

Know your audience
It is very important to identify what the audience needs to know, be it an individual or a group. It is prudent to adjust the presentation to suit the liking and disliking of the audience.
Professional speakers use survey to know the audience before preparing the presentation. It is quite common to witness the speaker mixing with the crowd and having a chat before going up on the dais. This allows the speaker to get a pulse of the audience allowing for some last minute tweaking.

“Be at ease” while making a presentation
The effective opening is the first milestone achieved and without doubt “well begun, is half done”. To complete the remaining half, one has to continue while remaining interesting and flexible. He of she has to be at ease all through presentation and the best way to achieve that is by maintaining the true self. Many a time we try to be someone else and stay more focused on attaining that persona rather than the presentation.

“Think clearly under pressure”
Difficult or pointed questions will be thrown out by the audience. Appropriate response during uncomfortable circumstances will demonstrate confidence and distinguish the special from the ordinary. Clarity of thought will only come with thorough knowledge.

 “Win others over” to your way of thinking
The purpose of presentation invariably is to win other over to our way of thinking. While the obvious prerequisite is demonstration of the depth of subject knowledge, this also requires greater energy and enthusiasm while trying to persuade and influence the audience.

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Blog Awakens

As the world has been taken over by the Star war mania, I too could not help but soar in that spirit. Till this time I realized that I was not doing enough of anything about anything, the Office works being the only natural exception. Without dithering any further I got working on my list of 2015 winter solstice day resolution. A ritual somewhat similar to the New Year day resolution practiced in some galaxies around the Universe. Topping that list was to awaking my blog.

Construction, the place I live is a tough field and definitely not for those feeble hearted. The awful feeling about all the insanity around today’s world has now coupled with that leaving very little room for one to maneuver. It appears the dark forces are gaining foothold in our planet.

But this is set to change as the force is going to be with me now. The force unleashed by the new HP Star WarsTM special edition notebook that will let the imagination run wild and allow to #AwakenYourForce.

Over the years, I have learnt that there are only two types of people in this universe. One half of them are diehard fans of star war series having watched those countless times, while another half has only watched couple of times and the remaining …. If there is an odd one left have probably not heard of star wars. I can confess that, I did not like it the first few times but then things changed.

Today I am all set to awaken my own positive force and unlock the prowess of a fan that nestled inside for so long oblivion of its true potential. That way I shall reach for the stars to be part of the great adventure, whilst I stay grounded in my desk chair in a galaxy far far away.

There are no reasons to believe that there are no life outside our planet as life is stranger than we can imagine or would like to believe. Life exists in the coldest of places frozen inside blocks of ice or within concentrated acid and withstanding the pressure at the bottom of the deepest oceans. We should not therefore be surprised if we have a strange looking visitor resembling R2D2 comes knocking at our front door tomorrow.

I would rather advocate that we be prepared for that day and this is where the HP notebook will become handy to create magic. In this world magic does happen and together we shall get creative to have part of our home remodeled to welcome such guests when they arrive. It could be a spaceship inspired floating chandelier, a Darth Vader table lamp or maybe have entire walls of the room resemble a spacecraft.

In essence we could make our home and offices look a little more like what is alien to us. Just in case they invade us we shall make them feel at home. After all as per ancient Hindu scripture, we do believe in “Atithi Devo Bhava” (अतिथिदेवो भव in Sanskrit), a "code of conduct" for Hindu society. In Simple English words "The Guest is Equivalent to God". Notwithstanding the fact that the appearance of the God still remains an unsolved mystery. How about some water bottles inspired by the stars.

And if they fail to find my address, who is going to complain anyways for dwelling in an environment that will constantly make them part of the Star Wars saga. By the way, the new HP Star WarsTM special edition notebook will be a perfect match in that set up.This post links to  

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Disabilities & all of us

3 December 2015 is observed as International Day of Persons with Disabilities. I was a bit disappointed this morning when I found Google did not utilize this opportunity to raise awareness with a doodle.  
The annual observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons was proclaimed in 1992, by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. The aim of this observance is to promote an awareness of issues related to disability and mobilize forces in their support so that persons with disabilities can live a life of dignity and none of their rights are compromised. It also seeks to promote the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. 
Our cities unfortunately, are not disable friendly and this does not need any elaboration. We do not have our public spaces such as malls, cinemas, stadiums and parks equipped with wheel chair access ramp, special toilets or safe walks ways for a person with any kind of disability. The offices and homes are no different. On the contrary in developed countries every public parks have special elevators so that differently able people could also lead an independent life with dignity. 
However there is a hidden truth to all these which we all seem to ignore till the reality bites. Human beings are a aging population that degenerates too. Today we may be fit as a fiddle but a few years on the story might go for a twist to evolve as a completely different story. Some of us will develop visual impairment while some other might have physical disability or partial memory loss. 
Have a quick trailer of the future by closing both eyes for a few minutes or walking with the room lights switched off. Alternatively try negotiating steps with one leg tied. Switching the television to an unknown language will help us understand how important sound waves are to our life. 
Let's pledge together to make our cities and homes friendly for people with disabilities. By making the world livable for all, we shall also ensure that we continue to live a life of dignity tomorrow.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

An ordinary man's Sunday chronicles

Sunday they say, has been derived from the Egyptian astrology as the might of the Sun was honored by associating its name with the first day of a week. After its association with the resurrection of Christ, this day evolved as the day for rest, worship and socializing. 
It’s a fantastic idea to have rest on the first day of the week and then start work. Somewhere in the middle this idea went for a tailspin and Sunday ended up being the weekend. Luckily for us with more people, less work and even lesser natural resources, Saturday too joined as another day of rest... But who’s complaining!
Sunday, nevertheless has brought joy in my life since time immemorial. During my early days, I remember Sunday was fun as our parents did not have to go to work and we could spend time together.
Then came the school, teachers and homework. While I am yet to meet a student who doesn’t appreciate a Sunday, I was ready to trade in any thing for a extra Sunday. But not once, I was given that option. The principle of dealing with holiday then was basic but robust. Complete all school works as early as possible and unlock the pleasure time.
Then came the college days packaged with the hostel life and absolute self-dependence. The line between study and entertainment got increasingly blurred till it was totally invisible. That was not because study was entertaining but because with little or no supervision each day turned out to be a Sunday.
The reality check stepped in as we went out for professional training during our final year at the college. Working 8 hours for 5 days every week, we realized was not our cup of tea. We only could pull along since we knew those days were numbered and we had the weekends.
That stint in Delhi not only taught us how to talk Hindi but also introduced us to the real meaning of the phrase “Thank God It’s Friday”. The weekends were so amazing as compared to those work days that showed very little sign of ending made us wonder if all days counted up to 24 hours. The day to night and back to day day transition during the weekends were seamless and joyful until we  found ourselves on the verge of tears on the Sunday evenings.
The acceptance of this torture after graduation came after lot of resistance taking long breaks from work between changing jobs. Slowly responsibilities increased and men are expected to act responsibly without taking breaks from jobs every now and then. Rolling stone gathers no moss and collecting moss soon become a requirement. At some stage of our life, the living like a king has to end.
Now as I maneuver through the midlife crisis, I am faced with the dilemma of choosing the appropriate of the two contradicting approaches to deal with my much coveted weekly holidays. Should I sleep late and laze around all day doing nothing serious because it’s my time or opt for the option to wake up early to do everything I so desperately want to do during the weekdays.

Which one I have selected, you might curiously wonder.

Well I am fortunate to be blessed with a third alternative. I have the luxury to let my daughter and wife to decide what I should I do or where should I take them on that particular day or any other holiday for that matter.

I know I am not the only one. I am sure someday others will join us …… Happy Holiday Buddies.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

excuse me.. No favoritism please!

I have a confession to make before I go any further. I am unable to select three favorite words. This is besides the point that I do not love favoritism as it amounts to giving preferential treatment to a person or group of people over other people or groups in the same unit and for that matter words. It is because I do not believe it is right in favoring of one person or group over others with equal claims… I mean words.
Even if I had believed in favoritism, I never will succeed in selecting three favorites as I find love and hate so very contextual. I won’t even succeed to zero down the words I hate most if I leave the word ‘hate’ itself out of the equation.
Having confessed at the beginning, I now feel so much relieved as if a stone has been lifted from my chest. This is an awesome feeling! I love feeling awesome, that’s another confession.  
Since confessing made me feel awesome which is a feeling that I really love,  I may be right to presume that confessing could be a favorite. In this context awesome and love are two words that compliment confess to elevate me to this state of euphoria by which I actually mean an affective state of exaggerated well-being or elation.These triplet collectively does qualify to be favorite, technically if not otherwise.
There could be another set of words that I would have loved had the context been different. For example had I been on a holiday mode, I would have all my passions and energy going behind Airport, Hotel and Restaurants to get the amazing feelings all through the holidays.
However, the magic is all around when I am with my daughter. Magic is not only  associated with “once upon a time” that she loves to hear. Its also not limited to the “magic e” in spellings she find so very challenging to learn and would rather leave it to “fate”, which incidentally is an apt example of a word with magic “e”.
The real magic is in the three words that everyone knows from their childhood. Thank you, sorry and please. Only if all of us could use them without prejudice or inhibition, this world would have been so much better place to live. I will not try to reason why, as the guru already said “If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches and poor men’s cottages princes' palaces.”

There are men of words and then there are also words off men as the highlighted words of the following sentence. and that could . Will a maverick guy be lynched and end in mausoleum if he was a Casanova? That could also be a set of potential favorites as I have written once before five men of words.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

... and some achieve greatness

We admire some personalities and want to emulate their traits that make them stand out from rest of the crowd. They, as Aristotle once said, are what they repeatedly do and therefore excellence is not an act but a habit. Lionel Messi, one such great was not born with excellent ankle or magic in his feet but he practiced repeatedly to attain perfection and become what he is, an icon for today’s youth.
Greatness may come in many forms and shapes. During the childhood days I was constantly reminded how great a peer, cousins, a distant relative or someone who did extremely well in a board examination were because of their good grades. It was perplexing whether they were comparing me or inspiring me with the greatness of those young souls. The result sometimes was expending negative energy sulking rather than the much desired positivity to better their feat. All those drama aside, we genuinely felt gratitude for all the kindness and love our parents bestowed upon us.
Those memories could not refrain me from applying this great family tradition on my daughter albeit moderation. I am apprehensive but at the same time cautiously optimistic that my daughter will not turn around to inspire me, maybe to own a brand new Maserati or an approved equal, something way beyond my reach.
Not everyone gets intimidated by such enormity of their goals and on the contrary, they successfully reach out for the sky inking their name in the book of greatness. Growing up to young adults, we found our own inspiration around our everyday life awed by the strength of characters, wisdom and vision. If they did not live among us, they were in our books or other forms of our media. More often than not the inspiration was our parents, teachers, older siblings and most of the times unknowingly.
A casual chat with a few colleagues who never set their feet on the Indian shore made me realize that greatness knows no boundary. I was elated that like millions of Indians they too found inspiration in life and achievements of our national heroes from different spheres. Mahatma Gandhi a motivating mass leader, Swami Vivekananda a spiritual guru, Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata an industrialist and Sachin Tendulkar a sporting legend are to name a few. We are fortunate to have studied their biography during the early school days. While all of these personalities have inspired me over the years, there has been one solid pillar of strength upon which balances the person I am today.
This personality not only inspired me and my siblings, but his greatness also shone on my cousins and others who came for his guidance or support. The lessons of life that we received from him will not end with us but continue through generations to come. He is none other than my own father whose wisdom, perseverance and strength of character has been exemplary and is undeniably a personality worthy of the tag #madeofgreat.
We were fortunate to be mentored by a personality who lead by example and never preached what he did not practice. Following are some of his traits that have become our life principles destined to forever:
  • He was the epitome of the opportunities that the world offers to the hardworking, honest, dedicated goal oriented and highly motivated individual even if not resourceful. Starting from a humble beginning in a remote place in the Indo-Bangladesh border he went to attain one of the top administrative positions of our state.
  • Being an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) cadre, he enjoyed certain authority and privileges but always referred himself as the son of a school teacher rather than anything else and never let the humility erode or become diluted.
  • Never misused the power or position. He never used his office car for personal use even though it was accepted norm, everyone did so and moreover there was no one monitoring it. Since we did not own a car, we used public transport while the government Jeep stayed parked at home.
  • Following a strict routine and start the day early was his motto. If not unwell, never was a day when he slept late or missed his early morning walk. He also woke us up before he left as early morning was the best time for practice.
  • Respect for parents was not a matter of choice. Never did he leave home even once without telling his mother as long as she was alive. Only when you respect your parents we learnt others others will follow and when our grandmother was alive, guests met her before moving on to the hall.
  • We learnt there can be nothing more important than studies for a student. He so aptly advised there will be ample of time to watch television or for partying after successfully completing studies while the time for studies will not return.
  • He believed there is no harm to retain our basic needs to their basics. He didn’t fancied fancy clothes or desired exotic cuisine as long there was enough to serve the purpose they were meant for.
  • During the 1971 war, there was a large trench dug up in our courtyard for relatives, friends and neighbors to join our family members to shelter from shelling by enemy forces. He cared for others in distress as much as he did for his family.
Not everyone is a messiah or for that matter a Messi inspiring and connecting with millions. But strong men and women with clean heart has been visiting this planet every now and then. They touch others in subtle ways as they could and ensure that our world remains a happier place.

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them", William Shakespeare wrote in the Twelfth Night. Not everyone is born great or get lucky to be thrust with greatness but there is no stopping us from achieving greatness.We are blessed to be the children of one such human being and this is my tribute to him for the lessons he left us with for the entire life.

In this blog post on somebody I know who is undeniably #madeofgreat, I am connecting to

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

The toilet world - hygiene and efficiency

India is large as well as diverse and not everyone of us have a clear understanding of how things are done or the problems faced by people of various parts of the country. I was not aware of the fact that people defecate in the open till I made my first train journey to the northern parts of the country. Where I grew up, we have had different type of toilets with a western commode on one end and a platform over a pit on the other end of the spectrum.

Constructing a minimum of an improvised septic tank with a closed toilet, I still do not believe is as much a big deal for most of the people from northern India as much as I think it is a cultural issue. I am basing my statement based on my personal experience during my days in New Delhi in the nineties. I had a colleague coming from a very well to do farming family in Najafgarh, a place in the fringe of the national capital. He preferred to have the morning conference in the open field with the vessel they call “lota” rather than use a toilet.

I have also heard stories of our village folks resisting a toilet inside their house compound considering this to be unholy and preferred to dirty the entire neighbourhood instead. It was truly sad that people still thought that way while rest of the world have moved their toilets inside the bedrooms.

I will be naive to imply that everyone in India does not use a toilet out of their own choice. We also heard of many incidents of girls being compromised when they went outside their house after dark to answer to the nature’s call. There are hygienic issues too arising out of this lack of adequate sanitation system. The groundwater as well as the surface water gets contaminated constantly ending up being the single most reason for the spread of diseases.
We should be ashamed of this state of affair as people living in our lands during the bronze age civilizations had proper urban planning. The Indus cities during the 3300–1300 BCE are noted for their urban planning, baked brick houses, elaborate drainage systems, water supply systems, and clusters of large non-residential buildings.

The good news is that we are moving in the right direction. Last year PM Modi had pledged to ensure every girl school in the country have proper wash room and I wish him success. We have also noticed big changes in the cities with affordable “sulabh pay toilets” commissioned at all strategic locations within our cities.

We are not alone in this misery as rest of the developing world too has sanitation related issues. I am aware of at least a few places in Africa who are facing similar uphill task to provide basic facilities to their people in cities as well as provinces.

India is caught in the middle of two extremities. On one side we are challenged to provide basic sanitation while on the other we are faced with the demand to make our living sustainable. Water conservation is quite high on the list of sustainable living and therefore we look forward to install affordable pneumatic system to reduce or eliminate the quantity of water used for flushing. A system similar to the one used in the aeroplane toilets. While this is our wish for tomorrow, today we are grey water to flush our toilets. Grey water which is the water collected from the bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines is expensive as it requires a separate holding tank and network.

By the time the whole of India catches up with the sanitation, we should be ready to provide a affordable and effective solution. let's put on our thinking caps to evolve as innovators to be prepared for a bright tomorrow and India is not caught napping when the big change occurs.

Why read a newspaper

  Photo by Lina Kivaka_Pexel Who still reads a newspaper every morning? Maybe not many, as today's fast-paced lifestyle leaves little ro...