A morning thought

Anyone nurturing the idea that a man loves to shave would be grossly mistaken. This is one hardship he has to routinely undergo every morning. I do agree that as teen aged boy, he might be counting days to step in to the new world of grownups, but when the realization finally dawns it is too late! Today while I was in the act, old memories suddenly rushed in. I remembered as a child watching my father shave in the morning. During the early days he used to have the saving soap in the form of a bar packed inside a round container which subsequently gave way to present day saving cream. All Through my adulthood I never noticed a shaving bar in the regular super market shelves. Growing up in the north eastern corner of India I can boast of experiencing things which had then become obsolete in other parts of the world. Though a state capital it could not be in termed as a city in the golden seventies. I graduated into the ranks of shave-able person and got started with a ...