The Blog Awakens

As the world has been taken over by the Star war mania, I too could not help but soar in that spirit. Till this time I realized that I was not doing enough of anything about anything, the Office works being the only natural exception. Without dithering any further I got working on my list of 2015 winter solstice day resolution. A ritual somewhat similar to the New Year day resolution practiced in some galaxies around the Universe. Topping that list was to awaking my blog. Construction, the place I live is a tough field and definitely not for those feeble hearted. The awful feeling about all the insanity around today’s world has now coupled with that leaving very little room for one to maneuver. It appears the dark forces are gaining foothold in our planet. But this is set to change as the force is going to be with me now. The force unleashed by the new HP Star Wars TM special edition notebook that will let the imagination run wild and allow to #AwakenYourForce . Over the...