Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Safety Factor

Did you ever wonder what is the price we pay for safety. Safety should unarguably top the list of priorities of every individual. But today I would like to draw the attention to another aspect of safety. This one does not relate to life safety but relates to mental peace than anything else.
Many a times we have to go out of the office for a meeting or a conference. It the meeting starts at 10 o’clock, we want to be safe and reach the venue 15 minutes. Though we know that the normal travel time to that place is 15 minutes, we usually leave with 20 minutes in hand. Again the logic is the same, we do not want to reach late and get embarrassed. Now if it happens to be a carpool we can easily add another 10 to 15 minutes.
We spend those extra minutes to buy mental peace, so that we do not rush, so that we are safe. But do we keep track of all those time of our life, that we earmark as safety factor, never to be spent productively!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Hope Of Winning

When I look up for the definition of the word HOPE, the dictionary lets me know that it is: longing; dream.
This definition perhaps couldn’t do enough justice to the feeling generally associated with this word. So I looked up for the words synonymous to this. And this is how it goes.....    
“Utopia, achievement, ambition, anticipation, aspiration, assumption, belief, bright side, buoyancy, castles in air, concern, confidence, daydream, dependence, desire, endurance, expectancy, expectation, faith, fancy, fool's paradise, hopefulness, light at end of tunnel, optimism, pipe dream, prospect, reliance, reverie, reward, rosiness, wish”
I am writing about a particular instance of this feeling: The Hope Of Winning.
For the past many years I have filled up hundreds and thousands of raffle coupons in countless marts and mall outlets. 
My routine has always been this: collect the coupons; fill in the details; drop them in the box and preserve the counterparts; wait for the draw; check the winning numbers and then discard those with a heavy heart. Till date this routine has remained consistently the same. But this has not deterred me from filling up another coupon the very next day.
And I know that I am not alone in this Game. We all HOPE to Win tomorrow. This hope is not limited to filling in raffles tickets but it applies to every aspect of life! That's how we keep walking...... 

Why read a newspaper

  Photo by Lina Kivaka_Pexel Who still reads a newspaper every morning? Maybe not many, as today's fast-paced lifestyle leaves little ro...