
Showing posts from June, 2015

Life Of A Blogger

This post is a part of  Write Over the Weekend , an initiative for  Indian Bloggers  by BlogAdda. I heard enough about the terrible Life of a poet not to venture into that foray. They are challenged with finding an audience and start losing friends as soon as they start reciting for them. The richer of the tribes throw parties with the hope of gaining a platform to showcase the talent but free food and drinks goes only so far. The artist feels helpless, while others see you as a menace... a threat to the society. I was not aware that similar fate is destined for bloggers till I had one of my own. When I discovered the world of blogging, I said "now I have a place to showcase my creativity.”  I set one up and started filling in the pages but the eyeballs to appreciate those were missing.  The Blogging portals brought a glimmer of hope to the budding writers as they developed a community with like minded people. The trouble is that a selected few are int...


L ife is short and everyone should live life to the fullest. I am writing this because I had a sad awakening last month when I lost two of my close childhood friends. They were my buddies and left us forever. One of them passed away in his sleep while the other while awake and both because of cardiac problem. They were they were not particularly young but they weren't old either. They were in their mid forties and in word from Arundhati Roy, " Not old. Not young. But a viable die-able age . " Our average life expectancy is increasing and long life is not uncommon these days. But Life is uncertain and one has to be lucky to be alive in good health with friends and family around. It’s true that in the present times there are large number of people taken away from the world everyday by means of war, terrorism, poverty and natural calamities. The latest reminder of uncertainty was when 9000 people perished during the devastating Nepal earthquake. But sometimes pa...