
Showing posts with the label BOT

Dear Ms BOT

Google driven impression of Bot As I sat with my hands folded engrossed in my thoughts, I detected mild symptoms of the illness known as “ writer’s Block ”. I told myself that it cannot be true because Seth Godin says that no such thing exist. Writer's block is a myth . Can I defy him? Probably not! "Maybe it is a starting cue that I was looking for to start my next post." I in fact had a few Ideas that could be converted to posts, like we always do most of the times. This "fingers off the keypad" phase ensued because it was difficult to find the right " balance between Benefit and Effort ". Ones that could be put together with very little effort did not look worth the time spent while those which qualify wasn’t worth the effort involved. A “catch 22” moment! Then I received an email from the desk of Ms. R of a blogging portal. It was quite similar in style to the memos that are often used in the corporate world. I was about to toss i...

The intemperate Bot

We had a holiday in Varanasi … Banaras during the first week of July 2017. It was an enjoyable family holiday as we saw one of the oldest cities in the world getting a face-lift. We stayed at the Taj, had some splendid boat rides on Ganges and got the opportunity to get connected to Samrat Ashoka the great via his Stambha (the lion pillar). While we were planning the trip we had looked up on booking dot com among other websites for hotel accommodation.….. and now the intemperate bot that works for that website is psyching me out of my wits! I am aware of the “Event based marketing” (also called trigger marketing and event initiated marketing) as a form of marketing that identifies key events in the customer and business life-cycle. When an event occurs a customer specific marketing activity is undertaken. But I had the event took place in 2017 and two years on I still receiving last minute deals on a regular basis. Leave me alone, Please!