
Showing posts with the label Centenarian

Are you preparing for your 100th Birthday

One of these days while browsing a magazine, this small news clipping caught my attention. I made a note of it with my phone cam. Few days later I heard a radio program while in the car that spoke about the same subject. Arguably, o ne has to win jackpot with the right set of genes to live long. It also suggested that one’s lifestyle and geographical location plays equal vital roles. The information available from various sources differed but what I discovered about the world of centenarians is simply amazing. An article published on 12 July 2011 reported that the highest number of centenarians of the world resides in the US . Japan does not have as many centenarians but it has a higher proportion of its population aged 100 years or more. Japan’s average life expectancy of 82.9 years is the longest lifespan among  the OECD countries as illustrated below. On 11 September 2015, Japan Times quoted  Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare estimating the number of cent...