Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2019

My Gmailophobia

Google mail started on 01 April 2004 and along with other early adopters, this time #metoo started using this. In those early days an account could only be registered via invitation and I was so much impressed by the service and progressively increasing storage space that by 2006, Gmail became my principle email address.

By launching Gmail on the 1st of April, Google have their conscience clear! It was poor me who missed the cryptic message. I ought to have realized the fact that if something is too good to be true then most probably it’s not!

Today, all my important emails are stored within the limited storage space of 15 GB available in the Google’s mail server. The good news is that there is an option to purchase additional storage space although I am not sure who benefit more from this option. Moreover the storage space is available till one putting up the rental fees and there is nothing tangible that one can take home.

I am having a fear that is growing in strength with each passing day my intuition warns me that the day is not far when the user will be asked to pay a fees for using Google’s email service. Until that time, instead of paying the levied fees, the mail users have to be prepared to pay the price. Yesterday’s news headline is a good example of such price.

“Google is scanning your Gmail inbox to keep a detailed list of your purchases, and there’s no easy way to erase it”

Today they are scanning for purchases and soon it may expand to banking, finance and everything else. The trouble is that are we in a position to move out of Gmail….. We are already too vulnerable even to think about that!

Google ka kya kare!

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