Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Let’s Save Our Kids - together

A picture is worth a thousand words and hence I let them do the talking. I trust these two visuals will  highlight the human face of a global crisis created by today's Social (read evil) Medias.

"Instagram extended its sympathies to the teenager’s family, and said the company had a responsibility to make its users feel safe and supported."

Remind yourself that you were not “self-born”! You have been brought into this world with lots of love. You do not have to seek others’ approval to boost your self-esteem, seek inner peace instead. 
Go surround yourself with the best people you can find live life to the fullest. A few points to ponder..........

  • Will the Social Media corporations do anything?
  • Are our children & youth safe?
  • Who shall coach the vulnerable?

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