Showing posts with label International Day of persons with Disabilities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Day of persons with Disabilities. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Disabilities & all of us

3 December 2015 is observed as International Day of Persons with Disabilities. I was a bit disappointed this morning when I found Google did not utilize this opportunity to raise awareness with a doodle.  
The annual observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons was proclaimed in 1992, by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. The aim of this observance is to promote an awareness of issues related to disability and mobilize forces in their support so that persons with disabilities can live a life of dignity and none of their rights are compromised. It also seeks to promote the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. 
Our cities unfortunately, are not disable friendly and this does not need any elaboration. We do not have our public spaces such as malls, cinemas, stadiums and parks equipped with wheel chair access ramp, special toilets or safe walks ways for a person with any kind of disability. The offices and homes are no different. On the contrary in developed countries every public parks have special elevators so that differently able people could also lead an independent life with dignity. 
However there is a hidden truth to all these which we all seem to ignore till the reality bites. Human beings are a aging population that degenerates too. Today we may be fit as a fiddle but a few years on the story might go for a twist to evolve as a completely different story. Some of us will develop visual impairment while some other might have physical disability or partial memory loss. 
Have a quick trailer of the future by closing both eyes for a few minutes or walking with the room lights switched off. Alternatively try negotiating steps with one leg tied. Switching the television to an unknown language will help us understand how important sound waves are to our life. 
Let's pledge together to make our cities and homes friendly for people with disabilities. By making the world livable for all, we shall also ensure that we continue to live a life of dignity tomorrow.

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