
Showing posts with the label Leaders

Who Kills Our Creativity?

I wish I could use the tag line …” choose your school teacher with caution ”. The reality is that we rarely get an option to select our school, let alone who would teach us. A student has to write the answer exactly as teacher did or follow the steps of mathematics with precision to avoid deduction of marks. In such a system, a teacher has very little to contribute as the requirement is to repeat the same stuff year after year to a new set of students. This most certainly deters the bright minds from joining the profession.  The personality traits of the teachers leaves a lasting impression on the student's life but the teaching hardly does.  To inspire brighter individuals into the teaching profession, the profession itself has to be more innovative rejecting the “one size fit all” approach . We shall then have teachers who are loyal to what they do rather than how to make money.  One who never dreams of teaching while growing up will rarely find the situati...