Showing posts with label Terminal 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terminal 3. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2018

Surya Namaskar - An Holistic Approach

It was a great experience to stand in front of this installation named “Surya Namaskara” at “Terminal 3 Indira Gandhi International Airport”, New Delhi, India. 

The human figures have been created by Sculptor/Artist by the name of Nikhil Bhandari and was installed in 2011. These are 12 individual human figures which have been sculpted to represent 12 yoga poses which collectively depict the Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation. The spiral base of the installation provides the most apt transition to the reach the climax. 

Each pose is the culmination of an asanas and when done early in the morning along with the recitation of the correct chant gives a perfect workout for the entire body.

The airport might not be the place to practice these asanas but without any doubt an appropriate place for showcasing our ancient tradition and instill a thirst to know more about it. Let’s start our day with humility saluting the mighty power that makes our entire world revolve around it.

Simply put, why not pick up some knowledge on the go, particularly as it has the potential to unleash holistic improvement for our body & soul….. Pagan or not pagan.

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