Showing posts with label destination funerals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destination funerals. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2018

Rite of Passage


Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Today is Mahalaya, a very auspicious for people who follow the Hindu way of life and philosophy. The Pitru Pakhsha, whose literal translation from Sanskrit means “fortnight of the ancestors” ends on this day and is marked as a day when men perform a rite called “tarpan”. I remember from my childhood when offerings were made to our deceased ancestors by my father. I always interpreted this as an opportunity to remember and express our gratitude to those who have left this world.

I, not having a lot of trust on purity of the Ganges and faith on the mantras chanted by today’s priests, prefer to remember my father in solitude…..within the confine of my home……..inside me. I do not believe much in the pomp & show and would love to stick to the basics in most occasions but there are many who would beg to differ!!

Extravagant celebrations when children are born, their birthdays and weddings are not uncommon these days but the new motto of life for many seems to be “live lavishly, go out extravagantly”

Many among the rich, powerful and famous are considering the “rite of passage” as the final opportunity to flaunt their immense wealth. Their rite of passage are competing with weddings and birthdays. People are opting for gold plated coffins, Rolls-Royce hearses and at times flying guests to exotic locales for destination funerals.
This article might shake your foundation while giving a new meaning for life and maybe a new goal for Death….

Why read a newspaper

  Photo by Lina Kivaka_Pexel Who still reads a newspaper every morning? Maybe not many, as today's fast-paced lifestyle leaves little ro...