Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2023

The pink Diamond


Many million years ago, when humanity as we know it had yet to evolve, the world was a vastly different place. A place of primal beauty, where creatures roamed the Earth with no knowledge of language or civilization. Amidst this ancient world, there lived two lovers named Ron and Ana, their names unspoken but their bond unbreakable.

Ron and Ana were inseparable, their connection transcending the primitive boundaries of their time. Their love was wordless, expressed through their actions, their eyes, and the warmth of their touch. They shared a unique connection, a deep and unspoken understanding of each other.

One fateful day, a natural disaster struck their land. The earth trembled, and the skies rained fire and ash. Ron and Ana, like many others, perished in the cataclysmic event. Ron's body was reduced to dust, mingling with the winds, and becoming one with the elements. But Ana's fate was different.

As the disaster unfolded, Ana's body was thrust deep beneath the Earth's surface. Thousands of miles below, under immense heat and pressure, carbon atoms began to crystallize, forming a precious gemstone. Ana's essence, her very being, slowly transformed into a radiant diamond.

Time marched on, and life on Earth evolved in countless forms and shapes. Souls wandered the world, reincarnating into new bodies and experiencing life in its various dimensions. Yet, even in these new incarnations, Ron's soul remained restless, an undying ember of love that continued to seek out its counterpart.

Then, one day, something extraordinary happened. Ron's soul, in its eternal quest to find Ana, encountered a breath-taking sight. In a bustling city of the new world, he spotted the most beautiful lady he had ever seen. Her eyes sparkled with the same depth of understanding he had shared with Ana, and her presence held an inexplicable familiarity.

But it was not her beauty alone that captivated him. Around her neck hung a pendant—a magnificent pink diamond, a rare gem that glowed with an inner light, much like the love that had bound him and Ana together in that primordial era.

That night, as Ron drifted into a dream, he found himself in a realm beyond time and space. In the dream, he stood beside Ana, their essence transcending physical forms. Ana spoke to him, her voice a harmonious whisper carried by the winds of eternity.

"Ron," she began, her words echoing through the timeless void, "I have waited for you through countless ages. Deep beneath the Earth's surface, I endured unbearable pressure, my essence slowly transforming into this beautiful pink diamond. I've watched over you, as you continued your journey through time, seeking me."

Tears welled in Ron's dreamlike eyes, and he reached out to touch the diamond pendant around the neck of the lady who resembled his long-lost love.

Ana's voice continued, "Our love is eternal, Ron. It has endured through the ages, and now, we have found each other again. The diamond that you see is my heart, crystallized but still pulsating with the love we once shared."

In that timeless realm, Ron and Ana embraced, their love transcending the boundaries of time, space, and form. Even though they had evolved into new bodies and the world had transformed, their love remained a constant, an unbreakable bond that not even the passage of millions of years could erode.

As Ron awoke from his dream, he knew that he had finally found Ana. Their love, symbolized by the beautiful pink diamond, was a testament to the enduring power of love, a love that had traveled through time itself to reunite two souls, bound by a connection that not even the Earth's deepest depths could sever.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Magical Reality ... Real but inside a dream

Dreams are illusion and could also be described as magical realism for good reasons. Although science would love to explain dreams through “alpha beta and gamma” stages of our sleep. I look forward to blog on that aspect at another time but now it’s time for surreal dreams.
Like magical realism, in this dream we find distant past present in every moment while the future had already happened. Here the protagonist is part of a dream which might be scary but without a doubt magical.
While inside the airport facility in a foreign country, he unintentionally loitered on to the tarmac. He had been following someone who was getting into an aircraft, a smaller one. The realization suddenly struck that this he is in a place that is normally out of bounds and must be illegal. He started to rush back towards the terminal building but could not find the place he exited. From the outside it is so very difficult to distinguish between doorways and glazing, most certainly done on purpose. He finally located a set of doors, but his relief was short-lived as to his dismay they led to an internal courtyard with high walls. It was virtually impossible to scale and moreover was partially covered on the top.
One of the doors could be opened from outside letting him re-enter the building. Otherwise he would be a sitting duck in front of a hunter or a prisoner inside a prison cell. He then discovered a series of exit ways from the building. Something quite similar to the checkout counters in a supermarket. Unfortunately they were all manned by armed personnel and there was no way he could get out of this place without verification.
Strangely, he told himself in his dream, “this seems to be serious trouble. Do I wake up and end the dream or let it continue and find out what happens at the end?” He decided to take the chances.
A nice Pakistani lady, slim and young, appeared from nowhere and bailed him out. The people manning the exit decided after a bit of persuasion to let him go. Though it was illegal to loiter around within the prohibited zone, they agreed it was a mistake and a pardonable one at that.

He still remembered her name the next morning. She was Shazia Khan.

Why read a newspaper

  Photo by Lina Kivaka_Pexel Who still reads a newspaper every morning? Maybe not many, as today's fast-paced lifestyle leaves little ro...