Thursday, March 12, 2015

Revive the Tradition

The last festive season, we embarked on a mission inspired by a lady in a far away country. It was beginning of December of 2014 and the time when most of the places in the world are in a festive mood, some more than others. We were on a train and we saw a lady, from a couple of generation before us, having a glass of wine and writing the Xmas and New Year cards.
I thought why not try revive the old traditions of sending cards for the festive seasons to some of our friends and relatives. That way we will give a chance for the postman to shake their legs a bit. . Cards and letter are fast getting extinct and by now and I do not see anyone campaigning to save the post box.  My last “partner in post” has also given up about two years back and got baptised to the internet. When I started to receive response to my letters through emails, I did not know how to react. It took the experience out of getting informed though I got the response almost instantly. I had no idea if I wanted to get a response so instantly but in the process brought the whole communication business to a standstill.
So we bought some art papers and started to create our cards right from the scratch and managing the envelope was as difficult a challenge as the card itself. Trust me it is not as easy as you would imagine when you start something that you have not done for such a long period of time. It reminded me of Shakespeare’s quote from The Merchant of Venice.....
“If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches and poor men’s cottages princes' palaces. “
But there was no going back and I took out my old address book form an old trunk (the one made of real paper) and drew up a list of friends and relatives with still valid addresses. The list was as follows:

Kolkata -              8
Mumbai -             2
Pune -                   2
Delhi –                 2
Bahrain -              2
Bangalore –         1
Agartala -            1
Doha -                 1
Al Khobar -         1
Muscat -              1
London -             1

Finally it was time to go to the post office and buy the stamps, stick them to the envelope and drop those in the mail box. Even though it cost a small fortune, it was worth it as my daughter got the first taste of writing and posting a real letter. This was our contribution in reviving the tradition and also give “Stamp collection” another chance.

However, 4 months later there seems to be still 6 cards undelivered. It appears that it will take more effort to remove the rust out of the postal system. Come December, we shall have another attempt.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Vocabulary & Whit Reading

The other day I came across a promotional bus, while driving down the road. But I managed to take a picture with my phone camera taking advantage of the traffic congestion. I am of the habit of clicking an odd photographs while waiting at the signals if something fancies my taste.
But this time, I was not sure if this sentence reads correct. It would have been quite normal, had they written " Paint your life with reading". But they chose not to and I am sure that they did it in purpose. Interestingly the sentence makes perfect meaning when we break it.

Paint your life
Whit Reading

In other words paint your life with a little bit of reading. It did send me out reading, even if that was a dictionary!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Can Money Buy Spring

Bengal is the land of 6 seasons unlike other parts of the world with only four. Spring is the last season in the Bengali calendar and the most pleasant time of the year when the winter is on the way out while summer is yet to set in. Be it east or west, spring has inspired the poets generations after generations and they have generously adored it with prose and poems.
Festivals bring people together and the more inclusive a festival is the more popular it is. There is no better time to celebrate than when the climate is good or rather the spring is in the year. Holi, the festival of colors beats all other hands down in its variety, rendering and inclusiveness. It is simply breathtaking and comparable only to the festival of lights.
But this nice weather that we love so much is also conducive to the growth of micro organisms and spread of diseases. In the earlier days these colors were made out of various natural elements were believed to have properties that enhance our immunity system. What better ways to could you imagine immunizing the entire community? But it was then. Now everything has changed in our personal, communal and social life. The number of bad and not so good people are growing fast and taking over and spoiling the celebrations.

But our winter is devoid of ice and things are different for those who wait for the ice to melt and bring some reprieve. They wait for the foliage to return to the trees, they wait for the flowers to bloom, they wait for the cherry to blossom, and they wait for the sign of life and the sign of youth...... they wait for the spring.

Money can change our life in lot of ways. HVAC system for example has detached us from the nature. We do not wait for the spring so eagerly any more. We have pleasant and controlled climate at home, at work, in our cars or wherever we are. We have the fruits of all seasons all around the year. But what does the youth of yesterdays do? The spring of the life has visited quite a few years back and there are no signs of its return. They try to justify the situation with statements like “life begins after forty”.  Is there a way they can get back the spring? Can money buy spring for them.....

Friday, March 6, 2015

That White Elephant

                                          Photo courtesy: AFP

These days one is seldom adequately shielded from news intrusion into the daily life. First it comes through the phone, which is smarter than its user and quite efficiently manages all the apps and news sites. If you ignore those during the day, these are repeated on the Ipad alibi their secret relation over the cloud relation. The next front off course the good old idiot box for those who have access to its remote control. Till recently the confusion for me was to determine who was the idiot in this relationship of beauty and the beholder. With the advent of the smart TV, I have somewhat reached a resolution with a great deal of reluctance. And if you managed to escape all of these, the morning newspaper compensate for the great loss.
Earlier in the week I was made aware that a white elephant has been found in Myanmar. I thought what’s new in that? Most of us have grown up knowing the metaphorical meaning of this word. A white elephant, is not a possession and is usually out of proportion to its usefulness. Most of the times, its owner can neither maintain it nor dispose it off and eventually goes down with it. There are plenty of White elephants all around the world and abundant in the private sector and public sectors of our beloved “land of joy” which used to be filled with milk and honey. At least that is how the famous poets, writers and littérateurs have presented it to us. Once in a while, we find a few of those  in our personal sector too ...  like I have this blog.
This term, I am told, have its origin in the story of the monarchs of Siam. They used to give away one of these animals as a gift to the overzealous courtiers in order to ruin the recipient with the cost of its maintenance.
But this news actually referred to an elephant which is white in colour. Something akin to the mythological creature Airavata, the white elephant that carries the king of Hindu gods called Indra. An animal that befits the king of the king, the lord of the lords. The urge to know a bit more about this animal sent me scrambling for the internet. It was to seek the assistance of Mr Google to be more precise and ended up being a little enlightened, acquiring some fascinating details about white elephants. My special thanks goes to Wiki ( and AP (The Associated Press).  
Unlike the mythological Airavata, mortal white elephants are rather pinkish in colour with fair eyelashes and toe nails. They are actually albinos. They have been revered for centuries in Siam and Burma, the present day Thailand and Myanmar. They were traditionally the royal pets and usually very well pampered since they symbolised power and prosperity. According to history Siam and Burma had fought a war in the 16th century over the possession of 4 white elephants.

This one is a 7-year old female and was captured on 27 February 2015 in a forest of the western Ayeyarwaddy region of Myanmar. This is the ninth such elephant in captivity in Myanmar, while the other are housed in various zoos and parks. Those who are interested in meeting a white elephant now know where to go...

Most importantly they are many times luckier that the Albino boys of Tanzania who are regularly snatched from their family and sacrificed  for black magic.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Live & Let Live

A famous tomb stone screams out to all willing to listen, that he was neither born nor died but visited the planet earth from one date to the other. This, if at all anything, spells out one fundamental truth about our existence. We are mere visitors to this planet and there are only few circumstances that we controlDespite our presumed progress in science, we are not sure where we came from and where we are going and if there is a life after death or the reason behind this illusion, we call our mortal existence.
However, while we stay here, we try to believe that we are permanent and should have everything that we set our eyes upon. We have to control the lives and wish of every living creatures around us including the fellow human beings and other beautiful body & souls’. We wish to dictate what they ought to do and what not to do, what to wear and what not to wear, where to go and where not to go, whom to befriend and whom not to  and the list doesn't stop here. We also want to have everything that is nice and good for ourselves, be it food, wealth, land, forests, water or any other resources. We want it all and we want it for ourselves or for our tribes and we want our tribe to "live long and prosper" and it is true for all living creatures too. This excessive craving for power and lust compounded with uncontrolled greed makes our as well as others live miserable.

My wish is to do away with all these in my new world. Leaving that aside, there is nothing wrong in this mortal world full of unpredictability and surprises. Yes there is nothing wrong with our earth along with its celestial system. I therefore wish not to change any of those.

I would only make a minimal reprogramming of the genes that dictates these characteristics of the living visitors to this planet. This is to ensure that our needs never exceed our requirements or vice versa. We are not driven by greed, our ego doesn't threaten the peace of others and we do not kill each other. Most importantly we have a world devoid of any “arms race”, neither literally nor metaphorically and not even genetically.

Imagine there’s no weapons… imagine there’s no greed… imagine there’s no ego…
Imagine all the beings, living life in peace …Uh ho!. This would be the song of life in my "Remade World" when sung in Lennon's tune.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Oxy and Moron

Mark Twain once said that it usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. I am not sure of the context of that statement but there is no doubt that it is a good example of oxymoron. The dictionary tells me that the rhetorical term “oxymoron” was coined by joining two contrasting Greek words meaning “sharp” (oxy) and “dull” (moron). Everyone uses such phrases in their everyday life without being an oxy or moron or anywhere in between.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the famous German philosopher and author had famously said that “we learn from history that man never learn anything from history”. While George Bernard Shaw, the Irish dramatist and socialist had endorsed this statement is in his lifetime, I find this more relevant today with all the conflicts around then anytime else. That makes this a timeless truth.
That was an example involving famous personalities and serious subject with deep meaning. But there is one such phrase that attracts us lesser mortals like the pied piper of Hamelin and they most certainly are not children. If you still have not guessed it, it is the famous marketing adage
….“ The more you spend, the more you save.”
This is quite a contradicting sentence to put one off, but that’s not what happens in the real world. Once back from such a shopping misadventure, the expression is equally rhetoric….
…”I paid too much for this, but it is worth it.”
Technology has not spared most of us and if you are a windows user, Bill Gates has ensured that we always click Start to Shutdown our computer.  

Donald Trump once said that “the budget was unlimited but, I exceeded it”. I too have managed to exceed the length of this post, though my estimate was limitless. But With all my friends and followers keeping quiet, I can only say that this silence is deafening to my ears. But I will still continue to post new pieces no matter what …. Thank God, I’m an atheist.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Characteristics of Successful People

Once in a while we come across an article analyzing the characteristics or habits of successful people. Not that we always agree with the traits listed the article but I am not one of those whom the world considers being successful and moreover there is no bee line of followers behind me.
I've spent plenty of time reading about successful people, which could or could not be considered to be a research.  Whilst all of them have the skills, talents, and characteristics that enable them to succeed, I haven’t been able to identify any magic trait adopting which will instantly transform me into a celebrity. Perhaps some of their qualities are more dominant and play a greater role in their successes but incidentally we all too possess these skills, talents, and characteristics within us to a certain degree. What we lack however, is the recipe to concoct and deliver a commendable success.
One important fact is that successful people does not always do everything by themselves nor can do everything easily and effortlessly. They have their strengths and weakness and look for others to complement their shortcomings and get associated with person or group of people who possess the skills, talents and training that they require. The associates later become their teammates with a defined relationship which could be either a partner or advisers or employees. It is this combined talent and skills that make an organization grow, prosper to reach the pinnacle of success.

Some of the most commonly discussed traits of successful people are as follows:
  • They have the audacity to dream big
  • They plan their steps well
  • They're willing to work hard.
  • They don't take no for an answer.
  • They are not deterred by setbacks and failures
The success story always begins with one belief that one day you will succeed and one has to believe in success to become successful. As a toddler we do not feel ashamed to get up and walk even if we stumble and fall hundred times but why should it be any different when we are grown up. Most importantly, failure is only a state of mind and nothing explains it better than the follow statement by Thomas A. Edison.

I have not failed 10,000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.

Why read a newspaper

  Photo by Lina Kivaka_Pexel Who still reads a newspaper every morning? Maybe not many, as today's fast-paced lifestyle leaves little ro...