
Somenath, Friends, Hostel 16, Campus life, Et al.

It was 11th May 2015 and I was sitting on an airplane traveling to Kolkata to meet Somenath’s family. Memories of the past 20 years came rushing to my mind like a giant waterfall the realization that life is a one way traffic got me thinking. Somenath was one of my closest friends and has now left us forever on the 9th. Kolkata, I knew will never be the same place again. I argued with myself “wouldn’t it be a great way to remember a friend by sharing some of those golden moments with rest of the world.”  The opportunity to re-live those moments once again got me tempted to this narration. I knew the word processor would help me bring back incidents from deep inside my memory lanes. Our college experience would have been half as interesting had it not for Somenath. With him around there were hardly a dull moment and fortunately for us, he was always around. No matter how grave the situation was, it was never serious enough to be serious. For those who do not know, he was pe...

E-commerce for Dummies

“Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe....We shall overcome, someday” Generations of Indians sang this song every morning in their school assemblies or while cheering teams later in the life. We are able to derive greater inner strength from this anthem.  We successfully overcome numerous obstacles “day in and day out” as we navigate through the challenges of life. Unfortunately, we do not consider this mantra while chasing dreams close to the heart. Leaving the few entrepreneurs, we conveniently shy off from grabbing the bull by its horns when it comes to setting up our own businesses or self-employment. This is particularly true for trained professionals like engineers in-spite being better equipped for it. They remain within the comfort zone of remunerations, oblivious of the fact that the same effort could generate more satisfaction, appreciation and higher revenue. A myth we heard during our younger days was that money flew in Kolkata streets. It could be mistaken f...

I Channel - I share with the world that my eyes see

During the August of 2015, Varshika participated for  #ColgateMagicalStories   competition hosted by  indiblogger . Buoyed by the encouragement received from that effort, she continued to face the camera unscripted and is introducing her world to the outer world.   As part of constructive parenting I am supporting her with post production and with the camera. She have completed quite a few videos for her YouTube channel. Its called  I Channel  and she invites all to find some time and visit her channel.

Different But Unique

20 May 2017 Each child coming to this world is A wesome, U nique, T alented, I mpressive, S pecial and definitely they are all M arvelous creations of God. Some of them are categorized under….. AUTISM. Autism or “ autism spectrum disorder ” represents a wide range of mental conditions that develops in early childhood and the term “spectrum” reflects its variety. Different combinations of genetic and environmental influences as we know, causes autism while creating unique strengths and differences in the affected individuals. I would argue there are more than one ways of doing things correctly in our world and if a child cannot learn the way most others does then we need to learn new techniques.  We therefore need to accept the fact that when it comes to a child, there cannot be normal or abnormal because each of them are unique. I was introduced to a personality albeit a feature article in the local newspaper and his name is Stephen Wiltshire. His website ...

Construction Conflict & Story of the Cats

Re-Conflict & Re-Solution A review of the story of the cats and the monkey in retrospective of a completed construction project

Baby Names in India & Current Trends - A Guest Post

Parents are particular about selecting a perfect name for their new born but often caught in between keeping it unique or to follow the latest trends. However, the trends of Hindu baby names in India are continuously changing with time. For finding the best name, it is important for parents also to check if it is meaningful and easy to pronounce. Before picking a name, always keep in mind that you will be calling your kid with that name for the entire life. Lets see what are the recent trends of Baby Names in India Sanskrit Names 1 According to the Hindu beliefs, a name builds the personality of a person.  Sanskrit names are unique and have strong meanings and mainly inspired by Hindu Goddess. Hence, people are keen to get a Sanskrit name instead of selecting the usual Hindi names.  Here are some examples of Sanskrit names- ·          Adhrit ·          Nirav · ...

A Kleptoparasite

This week I got introduced to a new phrase. That is kleptoparasite . This was part of a scientific article that reported the discovery of a previously unknown species of beetle in the Costa Rican jungle. These are tiny creatures that hitchhiked the fighter ants while travelling frequently as part of moving their homes. They are stowaways who hide themselves in the bottom of those ants so well that their body textures and odor mimics that of those ants. So much so, that the ants are unable to detect the intruders even while touching with their feelers. There is a certain advantage when one travels with a large group of army ants. But protection or free rides are not the only objectives for these tiny parasites. These creatures also steal from the food stores of the ants. While there are others small creatures that has similar stealing habits, I find these beetles particularly shameless. They exploit the ants to the maximum. Ironically, there are so many human beings sp...