
Postcards From Failaka

I found these pictures while I was moving through some files while looking for some old documents which I needed badly. These have been lying in a corner in one of my external storage devices. A few years back when I was in Kuwait, I had visited Failaka Islands while we were in the process of designing a Resort. Returning back I had send off some postcards from Failaka to my friends. These were from the good old times when we still used to send letters via emails and have not migrated to the social networking sites. Those were also the days when my camera used to consume film rolls and was yet to migrate to memory sticks. Failaka is a tiny Island and part of the state of Kuwait. When Kuwait was occupied by Iraq, Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi army was stationed there in large numbers. We could still see the marks of their presence after one and half decades of their departure! As the Koreas are planning for something big and ugly after the barrage on the tiny island of Yeonpyeong in the west...

A Place We Adopt

A strange question may it appear... But let me ask it anyways. Did you ever happen to adopt any part of this universe or to be more realistic a particular place in the city that you live in as your own. I guess knowingly or unknowingly everyone has a special place like this all the time. As kids these spaces are very pronounced and visible to all. It may be the unused corner of the room where one takes refuge after getting a scolding or the shade in the garden that one rushes to after completing homework and the list is endless. As we grow older and older it gets split into separate segments for separate actions and some of them are very formal while some are relatively more private and personal. There are many such places and to name a few there could be a few locations to hang out with friends; places to hang out with a closer friend and sometimes a spot to sit and reflect. The last one in the list is the one that I was referring to at the beginning. Physically you may not anywhere...

Giving credit where it is due

How does one define the Credit Cards? Are they the basic necessity of life or a necessary evil or do you call it an ally who have the potential to ruin your life if let loose! The card companies are very aggressive in promoting their products and it is true that these companies are striving to enhance their services to further promote customer satisfaction. To entice customers, banks have introduced cards that boast a wide range of benefits. Benefits There are a wide variety of benefits starting with introductory gifts and following that up with offers of the like of cash-back, Air miles, free holidays. As you can take your pick of the offers, it means you can make the most of your credit cards and if you do your research well it will definitely be to your credit. Cash Back Credit Card is the perfect solution for those who need a little more savings to stretch their monthly budgets. Cash Back Cardholders get a fixed portion of their daily expenses refunded in the form of hard cash. Wh...

To sleep or not To sleep

Weekends are part of everyday life and they keep coming without much control. The effort however gets consumed between the weekends and most of the time wishing that there were a couple of days less before the next weekend arrives. On a few rare occasions one does hope that there were a little bit of more time before the week actually ends but that’s definitely not normal. What is that one big decision that one has to take for the Sunday morning and in our case Friday morning? The Saturday night is usually dictated by the social circles while the more active socialites spend partying the lesser mortals have some quality family time. But challenge is on the morning of the holiday. Do you wake up early because this is your day and you want to enjoy and actively utilize every moment of the day or you want wake up late and use the opportunity to give your body and mind a well deserved rest. On a working day morning there isn’t much that I can do before rushing off to work. I sleep till t...

How does a frozen Chicken Expire?

Coming from an Indian Town and growing up in the seventies, we never used frozen foods. As a matter of fact frozen food was simply not available. The man of the family used to go to the bazaar every morning and the lady of the family used to prepare fresh foods twice a day. So when I got introduced to frozen foods and packed foods there were a few questions that started to pop up. One thing that I could never understand is how could a chicken have a expiry date while it was already slaughtered and frozen and packed quite some time back….. Well I am still looking for that answer. I read this article in the Yahoo webpage and found it quite interesting and thought of sharing it here….. Food expiration dates: What do they really mean? By Ann Pietrangelo Posted Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:30pm PDT Are you one of those people who pour the milk down the drain on the expiration date? Expiration dates on food products can protect consumer health, but those dates are really more abo...

Choose your partner with care

Last weekend we were at the beach and it was rather empty around. I guess most of the people were either at home as this is the holy month of fasting or did not think it was a good idea to be at the beach on this hot summer afternoon. While our daughter was reluctantly getting introduced to the Majestic Sea under the mother’s supervision, not at all amused by its vastness, I decided to take a lone stroll along the water. I spotted a dead fish on the sand I remembered two stories that keep having a significant impact on our lives. These are the fish story and the scorpion stories of life. I thought of sharing these with you as both of these are worth sharing. The Fish Story A small boy was once walking in the beach along the water and he noticed that as waves were crashing into the sand they were throwing hundreds of small fishes out of the water. Those little creatures had no hope of surviving. Then he saw a man who was picking a hand full of those fishes and letting them back in...

Kolkata - The City Of Joy

Someone once told me that a camera does not lie ( Photoshop does though ). If I click a photograph today and another one after a year, it will show me difference in Black and White ( may be in color ). The point here is that the differences shows up without any emotional bias as opposed to human eyes. Calcutta, now known as Kolkata has been very unlucky with the publicity she received in the recent past. It has been mostly bricks and seldom praises, in spite of being the City of Joy . Today I am posting a series of pictures that I have received by an email from a friend. It will change your perception. These are photographs and they are not supposed to lie! ( Kudus to the photographer ) Kolkata is in the heart of every Bengali with all its pluses and minuses. We all dream of settling back there one day. We too say... next Durga Puja, we will be in Kolkata! Kolkata is in the heart of every Bengali with all its pluses and minuses. We all dream of sett...