The day I told her that I was leaving Google search
Two weeks back, once I switched on the laptop in the evening, I made an important announcement at home. My daughter could not believe
her ears when she heard, I was not going to use Google any more.

“What do you mean?”
“Henceforth I shall not use the Google search engine”.
“But you are still using Google” a bit perplexed.
“I shall abandon only the search engine, while I shall continue
to use chrome, Blogger, YouTube as usual”, I clarified.
“Aren’t both chrome and the search same!” still
“They are not the same although it is designed to have that
look and feel.” I told her and further explained,
“Chrome is a web browser similar to Internet explorer, Mozilla
Firefox or Safari while Google Search is a search engine that could be used
with any of the browsers.
There are other search engines available such as Yahoo search, Bing search, DuckDuckgo search, SwissCows search, DogPile search etc.
There are other search engines available such as Yahoo search, Bing search, DuckDuckgo search, SwissCows search, DogPile search etc.
“I have started to use DuckDuckGo”, I declared .
“The name is so funny and doesn’t sound real” she commented.
“Google too didn’t make any sense as a name when it started”
Finally she asked “Why
are you changing?”
"Google was less of a search company and more of an
advertising company"
I told her that anything that we search are mined by Google and sold to the advertisers. Then the advertisers follow us all over the internet and those annoying banner ads keeps popping into our eyes.
I told her that anything that we search are mined by Google and sold to the advertisers. Then the advertisers follow us all over the internet and those annoying banner ads keeps popping into our eyes.
If we search for pens for example, we will be bombarded with
advertisements from pen companies. I reminded her how we have been followed by
hotels, airlines etc. before we went for vacation. We feel that we are being followed,
watched and monitored on our life in the internet.
DuckDuckGo promises us freedom from the prying eyes and let us search with privacy.
I still have to get used to not using Google search Apps on my phones too.
Will you be joining me?

Duck go go has a very nice model for privacy. Of late googles privacy breaches are scaring me, there’s just too much of information which is being processed in the name of personalisation and they’re being fined quite frequently for these breaches. On that note duck go go might be a very good idea